Linux has many features and look that attracts us to use it and as many of hacking tool are built on Linux then for those security testing we need to use Linux as our operating system but many of us are missing some features like playing game which is hobby of many people to play […]
Guest Posting: Blog Promotion and Backlinks in One Nice Package
Just recently Amit published a great article on the Best Tips to Raise Traffic for your Website. He pointed out many great ideas that all work in getting people to your blog, such as promotion and exchanging links. I would like to introduce another way that combines those two ways into one: guest posting. Guest […]
15 Predictions for SEO in 2012
In all honestly, for many website owners, 2011 was a hard year in regards to SEO. With Google’s updates and the need to change entire business and marketing structures, many websites simply died out with 2011. There are many good predictions about SEO in 2012 as more website owners are learning how to work with […]
Simple Animation App for iPhone
As i previous posts i explained you how to create a iPhone app and how to compile and execute the source code. For this you should have the basic knowledge of tools and codes which are necessary to make a iOS Apps. Read This: iphone-app-programming Now Here in this post we are going to create a […]
3 Reasons Why Everybody Is Jumping In Blogging Arena?
“Blogging“ – A word that getting more common this days. Situation is that today almost everybody knows what blogging exactly means, and there is no restriction for anybody to start a blog, you don’t need to have any special type of degree to start your own blog. All you need is some pennies in your […]
RockMelt: Specially Designed Browser for Facebook Users
Even Facebook Released its official messenger for Facebook only but it seems not popular and not so much comfortable to use because we have a habit to use the Facebook in one tab and other task in another tab but handle the things becomes difficult when more friends came online and we have to switch the tabs instantly to […]
How to add Tab Feature in Microsoft Office
Generally if you are working on Microsoft Office 2007 or using 2010 version then by default it won’t have feature to open it’s multiple document in tabs rather than new office window. It feels so bulky and tedious to handle multiple windows and some times you are getting confused that actually which article on you working 🙂 So […]
How to Move Your WordPress Blog to a New Web Host
Summary : This article describes the process how to move down the wordpress blog to the new web host provider. Have you got tired of your web host provider and looking to move the wordpress blog to any new service provider? It will be better if you switch to the new web host provider but […]
How to Get Yahoo messenger standalone version
To Install Yahoo Messenger we need to download the file and once it is downloaded then we have to install it but it need “internet” connection. It is good if you just want to download and install the Yahoo Messenger in your system only but what about another system and may be your friend who […]