Valuable Tips to Consider When Hosting International Conferences

With international calls, you must be prepared to take extra precautions and take into consideration the time, cultures, values, and personal lives of those involved. Lifestyles vary greatly from country to country, and different time zones can make orchestrating a successful call very difficult. Keep this in mind, so that you can make the call […]

Four Reasons Why iPad is More Prominent in Gaming Industry

Why iPad is More Prominent in Gaming Industry? The double analog stick and a very sensitive large touch screen have made it possible for one to play games using iPad. Furthermore, the screen resolution has made it easy for one to enjoy the game even more. Therefore, when playing 3D games, you will enjoy even […]

Important Advice for Backing Up Your Files

File backup and storage is becoming a main priority among those who utilize computers; both business owners and personal PC owners. There are many different backup and storage types to consider, along with multiple service options and providers. This provides you with many different options and pricing, but it can be slightly confusing when looking for […]

Giveaway #1: Win Handy Backup Home Standard Version 7

This is going to be the first giveaway on iTechCode. We have another giveaway on the way. In this, we are giving away premium software (Handy Backup Home Standard). After that SEOPressor will be offered on the next giveaway. Isn’t it amazing! Not only this, but we will also start the third giveaway very soon […]

The Top Ways to Spend Your Affiliate Profits

You finally have your affiliate marketing campaign humming and bringing in some cash. After all of the hours you spent developing your business, turning a profit is immensely satisfying and when the checks have three, four or even five figures, you want to use that extra income in the best way possible. If your affiliate […]

Vital SEO Tips after Penguin Algorithm Update

Google has started rolling out new series of Penguin update to nail spammers. Last year, Google rolled out Panda updates which killed many spammers, later earlier this year they deindexed major private networks. The indication is clear—Google’s next target is web spammers. This includes those who tried to manipulate searching engine ranking by means that […]

5 Things to Consider before Buying a new Laptop

Technology is growing with times, evidencing transformation. Same can be in computer world, previously we used to be happy with PC but now the whole criteria are changed as people are upgrading themselves for using Laptop. Recent years showed advancement in Laptops and the reason behind increased purchasing trends is its portability which makes it […]

Improve the Bounce Rate of your Blog or Website with Right Colour Selection

90% of the visitors bounce back from a blog because of the opening visual impact it gives! Right colour selection improves the adsense earnings of your blog! Image of a Brand is visualised through its logo colour! Amazed with one or more of the above facts? It is indeed obvious. When I first designed my […]

Hone your YouTube Video

Are you aware that YouTube can boost traffic and get you noticed with the help of its videos? Yes, it is true. But, all said and done, your video is not going to find its rightful worth of viewers without proper conditioning, I mean optimizing is to reach its full audience. Google’s newly discovered exuberance […]

5 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Blogging Time

Here is a fact that, while most bloggers wouldn’t want to admit it, is unfortunately true. Most of us, and by us, I mean people that spend a large chunk of their time writing for blogs, don’t make a great deal of money as writers. Of course there are always exceptions to that rule, but […]