5 Tips For Every Blogger To Stay Focused

This is a Guest Post By Ehsan Ullah Understanding the people you’re trying to target and creating a niche with several short and long term goals is the key to success in Blogging. It’s great for every new Blogger to take action and get your blog underway as soon as you can and some careful […]

Do You Engage In These 2 Powerful Blogging Ideas?

This is a guest post by Michael. Business has only two functions – marketing and innovation    –          Milan Kundera Are you a blogger, an affiliate marketer or whatever title you hold in today’s marketing world?   You need focus to achieve tremendous success. What you do with your leisure time has a multiplier effect in […]

Impact of Google Recent Changes to your Brand SEO

This is a Guest post By Tuan Do. One of the most famous websites in the world is Google and once again Google has made the headlines with its recent changes. This website for a century has provided a lot of information to many people across the globe and in fact, has changed so many […]

The Best Source for Selecting Cheap Webhosting Service Provider

Some years ago, setting up of even a simple website was a pretty expensive proposition and for startup firms, it was highly impossible to get a website because of the prohibitive and higher cost factors associated with web hosting. Gone are those days, now, this service is being offered at affordable cost by some of […]

Know Your Tools: 7 Little-Known Features That Could Boost Your Gmail Productivity

There you are with your Gmail client open, doing the same repetitive email tasks again and again. Let’s say you were supposed to send a send a message to various bloggers, asking for testimonials for your latest e-book. Although the task is not that difficult, it is still tedious and annoying: you are copying and […]

Giveaway #4: Win Video Grabber Pro

Here is 4th Giveaway on iTechCode on a row. This time we are conducting a giveaway  on Video Grabber Pro. You all must know that currently on iTechCode one Giveaway is already running ;). If you have just missed it, you may participate right now. Here is the Link of SEOPressor Plugin Giveaway : Click Here. Anyways, […]

10 Helpful Tips, How to Use Twitter Properly

Every blogger wants to have a lot of traffic on his/her blog. These days, as traffic from Google is lower and lower, traffic streams from other sources become more important, especially from social media networks. One of the most important social media service is Twitter. I assume, that you already have an account on Twitter. […]

Vital SEO Tips after Penguin Algorithm Update [Part-2]

This is a Guest Post By Ricky. Last time around when we covered the topic ‘vital SEO tips after penguin update’, we didn’t get into the root of the problem. The purpose was just to provide a brief summary of what should be done and what should not be. With Google’s raid on private blog […]

Twitter Marketing Alert – A Must Read For Bloggers

This is guest post by Michael. Do you like twitter?     How successful are your tweets? I started using twitter in 2010. But I didn’t realize how powerful it was until 2012. I could tweet whatever idea in my tiny head then. For 12 whole months, I got 102 followers only. How pathetic. I don’t […]

Guest Blogging – The Do’s and Don’ts to Follow to Get it Accepted

This is a Guest post By Arbaz. Blogging has found its way through the masses in the world. Every person related to the online world uses this effective medium to communicate with the people. Also, there are many blogs that earn people a full-time income. On seeing such successful full-time bloggers, many people dream of […]