Factors To Consider For Starting a Business

To start a business, the main thing to do is a proper planning. There are various factors which one must take into account while starting a business. Besides the usual nuances, one must factor in some other factors too such as the population of the catchment, room for growth in future, etc. Below are the […]

Top 5 Gaming Consoles of 2012

Video games have now become an important part of every child & teenagers life. The development in the quality of games has increased the market for the new games as well as requirement for good animators has also increased. The amount of high graphics in which the games are made, they also require a device […]

How to Write SEO Friendly Content that your Readers will Love

There is a debatable topic in blogging sphere that is – Whether we should write for ‘Search Engine Based Content or We should write content for Readers’. Impact if you write only for readers If you write content only for your readers then you struggle to get traffic from search engine, organic traffic is important […]

Using OpenSiteExplorer.org To Avoid Google Penalties

If you haven’t heard yet, Google has just rolled out updates to their present algorithm and came up with some “improvements.” This spurred the need to adjust and change some current search engine optimization (SEO) strategies that are being implemented by a lot of website or blog owners. There is a need to use more […]

Top 5 Places to Advertise on the Web

Many classified sites are available to advertise on the web where a person can advertise his own website, articles, etc. All these sites have some rules and a person needs to follow the rules. If a person has any adult content on their website then, he may not advertise his website on any particular sites […]

Preparing for AuthorRank on Google

AuthorRank is an innovative idea that is all set to undermine all the Panda updates Google has put forth. But unlike Panda updates, AuthorRank shouldn’t faze users. While it doesn’t replace PageRank, AuthorRank will sort the search results based on the reputation of the creator of the content. Verified content by an author will be […]

Giveaway #6: Win Premium Theme from MyThemeShop

Here is 6th Giveaway on iTechCode. This time we are conducting a giveaway on Premium Theme from MyThemeShop. 2 Days Ago we wrote a review on MyThemeShop Theme  If you have just missed it, Check it here: MyThemeShop Theme Review.  MyThemeShop is a WordPress themes shop that provides high quality, responsive and flexible WordPress themes. With […]

MyThemeShop – Responsive WordPress Themes That Rock – Review

If you’re in the market for a new responsive WordPress theme, you’re in luck. We just finished testing out some themes from MyThemeShop, and we have an exclusive coupon code that you can use to save 20%. We were able to test some MyThemeShop themes, which MyThemeShop says are built to provide quality themes at affordable […]

15 Types of SEO Tools You Should Be Using

If you are serious about making your online venture, blog or business a success, then you’re going to need to get clued up about SEO and make sure you are using the best resources available to help you. Here are 15 SEO tools and techniques you should definitely be looking to adopt: 1 – Backlink […]

How to Organize iPhoto: 5 Essential Tips

iPhoto, developed by Apple, is a really great app to do a lot of things with your photo collection. You can manage, edit, retouch, apply effects and do much more with your photo collection on iPhoto. It’s basically an app that’s designed to help you do a lot of things with your photo besides managing […]