Getting Started With Google Communities

Introduction to Google Communities Ever wanted to interact with people who have common interests? Ever imagined making a group of your high school buddies who love playing with new gadgets, just like you do? Google Plus latest offering, Google Communities might be the ideal solution to quench your thirst. Google Communities offer Google Plus users […]

DIGITAL SIGNATURES | Pixel to a Larger Image

Technology has pretty much dug its claws in every facet of our life. There is a very thin line between our private and public lives, such a delicate and amorphous space that we need to tread very carefully. As important and integral technology has become in our daily routines, the need to define boundaries in […]

Organize Your Hard Drive with Virtualization

If you’re looking for an effective way to organize a cluttered hard drive on one of your business’ computers, you may want to consider drive partitioning. A simple form of virtualization, partitioning essentially creates virtual hard drives that share storage space with your physical drive. Understanding what occurs during partitioning, as well as why you […]

Guest Blogging Tips – Guest Posting A to Z

Guest Blogging is a way to get free exposure and traffic to your site and content articles. Guest Blogging has turned into a very popular method for bloggers to obtain name presently. To be an excellent Guest Blogger you have to set goals and work hard to offer the best results each time. When offering […]

Social Media Marketing strategy for a Start-up Tech Company

Whenever I go up to work for a Tech company they often ask me to devise a Social Media strategy for them and when I ask what do they eventually want to achieve? I get confusing replies. The biggest dilemma that start-ups face is that they do want to work on the Social Media Marketing but they […]

Challenges of Mobile Content Writing

Content writing has changed a lot through the years. The days of keyword stuffing in articles are gone. Online writers know that both users and search engines have become more intelligent in recognizing quality content. And now that mobile marketing is expected to flourish in 2013 and 2014, content writing style is again started to […]

What to put into your Landing Page Video

Video sales letters and landing page videos are the new trend of late. With technology simplifying the process of making videos, people began to rely on videos to connect better and more effectively with their audiences. To give your visitors a more engaging, interesting and personal first time experience of your site, it is always […]

Blogging With Buddies: Why You Should Turn Readers Into Friends

How well do you know your blogging audience? Do you talk to them about just business, or do you know a bit about their personal lives? Do your readers know you beyond your bio? As a blogger, it’s extremely important to turn your readers into friends because this way, you’ll always be able to rely […]

7 Effective Tips to Get the Most Out of Twitter!!!

We (bloggers) all are mad about Social Sharing. There are many social profiles which we are using to promote our blog or views, like Facebook, Twitter, Stumble Upon, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, etc. Many more, but at last you all stuck on one profiles and most commonly used Social Profile called “Facebook“. We think we will get traffic […]

7 Essential Steps To Grow A Small Business Brand

If you’re a small business owner, then understand that competition could hinder you from achieving success. Online marketing has evolved in the past few years. Several people couldn’t handle the pressure and so, they quit. But your own case can be different if you focus on your brand. Your identity on the internet is your […]