Event logging is a powerful tool for use in monitoring events occurring within a network to use for diagnostics and security within the IT department of an organization. This process helps us take a proactive approach to protect important information and programs. It is often the only way to determine if something detrimental has happened, […]
How You Can Manage Freelancers At Your Technology Startup Efficiently
The technology startup world is immensely competitive due to the massive financial rewards that come with succeeding. The fact is that many startups do not have a huge cash flow as not every tech startup has millions of dollars in funding. This causes startups to work with freelancers as their pricing for services are usually […]
Compact Animations on Demand: What Is the Easiest Way to Create a GIF Animation from a Video File?
GIFs are great for marketing, getting followers or to punctuate a good post or article. There are many ways to make GIFs, such as animating your own by hand or making several images play in sequential order. One of the best ways is to take a video file and make a small clip of that […]
The Future of Self Driving Cars
For decades, sci-fi films have made accurate technological predictions regarding gadgets like flip phones, electronic tablets, smart home devices and autonomous cars. In 1966, season two of the series Batman featured the infamous superhero summoning his self-driving Batmobile with a remote control activator to pick him up. In 1990, Arnold Schwarzenegger is seen being chauffeured […]
The Secret to Successful Data Integration
The value of data integration is now pretty well-established. With integration, businesses can manage their data far more effectively and with it, their customer relationships, staff, and resources. Businesses with integrated data are generally more productive and better able to innovate. In short, data integration makes sense. But it only makes sense if it’s successful. […]
3 Security Password Tips for Working In The Cloud
By implementing best practices when creating and managing your cloud passwords, you’ll increase security and keep your data. From streamlining how you share files with co-workers—especially if you have remote employees—to invoicing, record-keeping, and team management when it comes to running a small business, cloud-based services are a blessing. But that blessing comes with an […]
What’s The Best Strategy When Getting A Press Release?
There has been a lot of talk about whether or not press release distribution is still beneficial to today’s digitally-inclined businesses. However, one cannot deny the fact that the PR and Marketing industry is alive and kicking. The truth is, even though the art of press releases is an old and classic marketing method, it […]
Why You Should Consider Investing In Cloud Document Management
Running a business can be difficult and there always seems to be something new that you need to consider in order to improve the way that your business operates. One of the things that a lot of people are taking advantage of right now is cloud document management and hosting. This means that all of […]
Innovative Big Data Works Driving The Future
In the last five years, big data is following digital trends and provides multiple research studies. Data is flowing faster than ever before. Big data, with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning, generate innovative facts that lead to the growth of data sets every second. Experts in all fields such as scientists, doctor, […]
Learning Internet of Things
For the last few years, consumers have been queuing and clamoring for the next big thing. Companies, on the other hand, have been competing to tap the best developers with the right skill set. With the ever-changing coding ecosystem, future developers are expected to be more than just coders—they should be intuitive problem solver capable […]