Five Tips for Hiring a Social Media Agency

Social media marketing has become a huge part, if not the biggest part, of many marketing plans for businesses in every industry, large of small. Larger businesses often choose to employ their own social media marketing team in house, instead of outsourcing it. However, not every business can afford or needs their own marketing team. […]

5 Simple Tips to Optimize Your Landing Page and Generate Leads for Your Email List

Whether you’re looking to make more sales, connect with a larger audience, or get your brand name out in the world, a truly invaluable method is to set up an email list that is interested in you and will look forward to reading your emails. If you’re looking for ways to either create an email […]

Adsterra Advertising Network | Solutions for Advertisers and Publishers

What is Adsterra Network? Adsterra network was founded in 2013. The main objective of this advertising network was to change the face of adverting meant for social, web and mobile platforms. Adsterra is an adverting network which lets both advertisers and publishers publish their ads with them. Adsterra Network is the best alternative for Google […]

5 Ways Work Order Software Can Save Your Business Money

Modern business process technologies greatly improve the performance of businesses, even small and medium-sized enterprises. Technologies like work order software, make it possible for businesses to improve customer service and the overall business process by allowing it to respond to work order requests quickly and efficiently. Outdated work order processing methods negatively affect dispatch times, […]

What the Future Holds for CMMS Systems?

CMMS Tools don’t require an introduction anymore. They have become the norm in a good majority of organizations, mainly because of their efficiency. CMMS software helps you to streamline your organization’s maintenance processes. In this article, we will discuss the future of CMMS and how it would redefine how industries work in the future. Without […]

7 Best Social Media Jobs from Home

The perception of social media in past few years has changed dramatically. People have started looking at it through a new lens which has enabled a business viewpoint of social media. It’s amazing how today, the time we spend on social media, could be utilized to get a job or run a business. “People want […]

The Top 5 Advanced SEO Practices You Need To Know in 2017

Over the past decade, the role of the internet has been very crucial for businesses to showcase their full marketing potential and to compete with other businesses. It has also become an effective tool to achieve customer retention and to develop new business-to-consumer relationships that will prove to be equally beneficial in the long run. […]

Brand Intelligence – 3 Ways To Make More Informed Marketing Decisions With Web Scraping

Although the term ‘web scraping’ sounds both painful and oddly dubious, it is a commonly performed process which is highly-valuable to businesses and organizations. Used correctly, it can save your business money, time and help to create more effective marketing campaigns. Image via Using an array of programs and codes, web scraping solutions can […]

 Using Transients to Deploy WordPress Plugins with GitHub

Software developers who choose to delve into the world of WordPress plugins are introduced, by default, to the Subversion (SVN) repository for maintaining the distribution of their work to WordPress users. SVN works well enough, but it has some inherent weaknesses that many developers do not want to deal with. As an alternative, developers can […]

10 Big Data Technology Trends

Machine Learning When people thinking of artificial intelligence laying waste to human intellect, their first thought routinely shifts to an event such as chess supercomputer Deep Blue’s landmark victory over Garry Kasparov in 1997. However, while this pivotal moment in artificial intelligence was worthy of its praise, it was mostly a result of a powerful […]