iPhone 5 – 15 Features Business Users Will Appreciate

Some users rush to get the latest and greatest electronics as soon as they hit the shelves, others hang back a little to see how other users fair before shelling out the cash. If you’re not sure whether you want to spring for an iPhone 5 just yet, here are 15 features that business users […]

Follow This 6 Simple Steps To Monetize Your Youtube Content

The ever increasing craze of people with respect to the blog writings and video uploads and many more features that are available on various networking sites has grabbed the eyeballs of marketing heads, who are viewing this as a very good medium for advertisement. And this thinking has already made this concept worth a million […]

Google Penguin Update: You are seeing the Tips of the Iceberg

So, your blog has survived the Penguin update and you are feeling perfectly happy with the things are. Now do not shot the messenger because here I am going to tell you something that might leave a bitter taste in your mouth. Yes the Penguin update is far from being over. In fact, if we […]

Anonymous Proxy Servers – To Use or Not to Use?

If you are wondering if it is worth using anonymous proxy websites, the answer is it depends. People have different levels of risk tolerance. Your personal requirements should also be considered. It helps to know the benefits and risks of anonymous proxy first. Benefits The biggest advantage is you can access sites blocked by your […]

Did Google’s Penguin Update Kill SEO?

Google’s Penguin update has hit several websites hard, including legitimate ones. However, reports of the death of SEO are not true. Here are some ways webmasters can cope with Google Penguin update. But the bottom line is you must produce high quality content. Business, Not Leverage Don’t set up SEO sites to merely get traffic; […]

4 Reasons Why I Don’t Use Pop-Ups

Use Pop-Ups is the most received answer if you ask any blogger about increasing the subscribers. Many out there believe that it is good to use pop-ups. I have my own theory. I hate pop-ups. Why? Just think about the user’s point of view. What exactly a user experiences when he visits your site to […]

Factors To Consider For Starting a Business

To start a business, the main thing to do is a proper planning. There are various factors which one must take into account while starting a business. Besides the usual nuances, one must factor in some other factors too such as the population of the catchment, room for growth in future, etc. Below are the […]

Top 5 Places to Advertise on the Web

Many classified sites are available to advertise on the web where a person can advertise his own website, articles, etc. All these sites have some rules and a person needs to follow the rules. If a person has any adult content on their website then, he may not advertise his website on any particular sites […]

Preparing for AuthorRank on Google

AuthorRank is an innovative idea that is all set to undermine all the Panda updates Google has put forth. But unlike Panda updates, AuthorRank shouldn’t faze users. While it doesn’t replace PageRank, AuthorRank will sort the search results based on the reputation of the creator of the content. Verified content by an author will be […]

Giveaway #6: Win Premium Theme from MyThemeShop

Here is 6th Giveaway on iTechCode. This time we are conducting a giveaway on Premium Theme from MyThemeShop. 2 Days Ago we wrote a review on MyThemeShop Theme  If you have just missed it, Check it here: MyThemeShop Theme Review.  MyThemeShop is a WordPress themes shop that provides high quality, responsive and flexible WordPress themes. With […]