One of the most common problem that almost every blogger come across in blogging is “Find the blog post ideas”. The more you think, the more ideas you get. But these days, bloggers became too lazy to think , to get new ideas for their upcoming blog posts. The most important part in blogging is […]
Top Gaming Headsets To Own
Did you know that the average gamer was 37? Astonishing when you think about it, gaming is normally associated with kids and young adults but in reality most of us like to have a bit of gaming action from time to time. I guess it’s due to people of that age growing up as computers […]
Halloween Giveaway #9: MacX DVD Ripper Pro Free Before Nov 2
It is said Halloween is the second largest retail selling season-just behind Christmas. So with Halloween coming around the corner, the retail stores have had their Halloween costumes and candies out for weeks. For those who are eager to watch horror DVD movies with family and friends at home instead of theater or enjoy them […]
MaxBlogPress Subscribers Magnet Review
MaxBlogPress Subscribers Magnet is a must have for blogger who want to create a huge email list of subscribers to their blog posts. It is a great add-on plug-in to your blogs. Like the name suggests it is a great plug in to have on your blog that can attract subscribers to you blog like a […]
10 Web Marketing Tips and Trend Analysis
Although content is still king, web marketing trends have changed or continued to evolve over the years with Google setting the pace with the incorporation of the Panda and Penguin algorithms to analyze search results. The trend on marketing analysis has evolved around marketing contents into three phases which are: The Social Phase: Use of […]
The Benefits of Email Marketing
Email marketing is very much a product of the 21st century – the so-called “Age of Technology”. If you were to ask people a few decades ago what they could tell you about marketing they would probably tell you that television and radio were huge ways to get noticed by your demographics, as well as […]
Free Tools to Edit Videos on your Windows
It is now very much impossible to dream a world without movies. When one speaks of movies, then it has to be kept in mind that there are a huge number of softwares which makes these movies eye pleasing. Without them nothing would have been possible. But at times movie editing can cost a lot […]
Giveaway #8 – WP Email Capture Premium Review and Giveaway
Time for another giveaway! If you have been already been impressed by WP Email Capture Premium, this is your biggest chance of getting it for free. Giveaway Prize This time we are giving away WP Email Capture Premium (Price: $49). 2 winner will get the prize. How to Enter the WP Email Capture Premium Contest? […]
Top 3 Photo Editing Tools for Professionals
Whenever the thought of editing pictures come to mind, then the first things to correct are always the color contrasts, removing the bad light effects, removing spots or dark circles from faces and avoiding the red eyes. These are certain things that even professional face while taking pictures. There are no ways by which one […]
Giveaway #7 – ScreenCamera, the Program that turns your Desktop into a Webcam
It is as simple as the title says: ScreenCamera turns your desktop into a webcam and opens for you a window for you to share your desktop with the World. ScreenCamera works with all applications and websites that work with webcams. Examples include: Skype, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, AOL, Live Messenger, PalPalk, Camfrog, AIM, Stickam, […]