Getting More Visitors To Your Website

You can do everything possible in the world to make a great website: use custom, high-res graphics, build the site on a top website builder, use a stunning layout, have hundreds of great articles or products… but that alone won’t get more visitors to your website! And there’s almost nothing worse than the dawning realization that the website you’ve spent so much time and effort on… is just going to sit there, obscure and ignored, in a quiet corner of the internet.

Traffic to your website

The truth is that the internet is its own attention economy. Attention is the invisible commerce of the internet: and getting it will take more work than just making a great website. You’ve also got to market that website. Bringing a website from no visitors to hundreds or thousands isn’t impossible… but it will take hard work, and acknowledging that just the quality of your website alone isn’t enough to draw the views.

Target Your Efforts

First, you need to establish your market: the kinds of people that your website is meant to attract. Are they teens? Parents? Crafters? Recent retirees? Without focusing in on your demographic, much of your marketing isn’t likely to stick: and once you know your demographic, it’s time to do a little market research.

What do people in that demographic like? What are they enjoy doing on the internet? There are thousands of marketing reviews which publicly post this sort of data: or, you could try to gather your own demographic marketing data! Using surveys which offer rewards is a great way to gain a lot of responses quickly. So, what do you do now that you know who you’re targeting?

Create a Fantastic, Targeted Blog

The word ‘fantastic’ up there isn’t just for show; don’t just post humdrum ‘update’ articles… or your personal musings on the meaning of life. Create a blog that’s attention-grabbing and focused towards what interests your target demographic. In general, your blog posts should either be useful or entertaining… and should be so, consistently.

Blog posts which are guides, show inspiration pictures, or give unique information are often winners, and in all cases, try to make them image-heavy and not too short. Make certain that your headlines are short and punchy: and if you’re short of ideas, look for inspiration in some of the blogs that you like to read!

Increase engagement by always ending with a questions, and above all: always ask people to subscribe! The best visitors are repeat visitors, and if they enjoy your blogs, they’ll be more likely to return if you send updates to their email.

Offer Free Promos

Another great way to get visitors? Give something away for free. Whether it’s some of your own work, free reports or ebooks, album tracks, design templates, high-res images, free shipping… or even better, you could run raffles or other contests for actual free goods.

The trick here is not to give away the farm: but to give away enough that people will want it. Promote this giveaway or promo on social media, and if you can, offer perks for those who share the information with their friend. Many new start-ups have used this strategy to amazing success: for example, a new men’s shaving company offered free products to those who shared links with at least 5 friends. In less than a week, they’d net over 10,000 new visitors!

Borrow a Different Audience

No, we don’t mean steal them, or to pay for a list of emails: instead, use guest-blogging as a tool to redirect some of a website’s traffic to your own website! High-quality guest posts to established blogs is one of the best ways to get yourself in front of new eyes by inserting a link to your own website in the article. But of course, you need to make sure that the article follows the first rule: that it suits your demographic!

About Amit Shaw

Amit Shaw, Administrator of iTechCode.He is a 29 Year Ordinary Simple guy from West Bengal,India. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Technology, Gadgets, Programming etc. Connect with him on Facebook, Add him on LinkedIn and Follow him on Twitter.