5 Ways Freelance Writers Can Earn Good Money

One of the easiest and best ways to make money on the internet is via freelance writing. In today’s changing world of technology, there are many talented writers who find it easy to make money by freelance writing on a part time or full time basis. It is a good way to earn a flexible income. Freelance writing job requires good command of the English language, useful information about the topic which is to be written and most importantly grammar and spelling skills. Writing articles gives you a chance to express your creative ideas. Becoming a successful freelance writer requires talent, self-discipline, imagination and dedication. The main advantage of being a freelance writer is to be able to work from home at your own desired time at the same time enjoying the luxury of your own space. Besides you don’t have to be a programmer or technically sound in order to become a freelance writer. Because of these advantages freelance writing has become a popular choice among people seeking to work from home.

Freelance writing requires a computer, internet connection and of course time for writing. You may need to visit some of the informative and useful websites to gain good information to research the topic.

Don’t MissMy Worst Experience as a Freelance Writer

There is a huge demand for a lot of online writing jobs in India. There are a lot of writing jobs to choose from available on the internet. It is important to choose the right kind of company to work for when it comes to freelance writing job. A number of sites are available to make money online some of them are : Elance.com which offers a lot of scope from programming to writing to consulting. Another site called freelancer.com which is one of the best freelancing sites offering best payment options. Vworker.com is also another best site option for freelance writers. There are many ways for a freelance writer to earn a good amount of income such as:

  1. Write articles: Writing articles for people and businesses who need them is the best way to earn a fair amount of money. The client is always in search of good writers who require you to write for them by setting deadlines.
  1. Make your own website: This can be one of the cheapest and best ways to earn money online. There are many blogging platforms that will help you to create your website.  You need to deliver the best possible interesting information to get people visit your website. Also your website can be the best platform for making money if you have the ability to convince the viewers about selling your products and services.
  1. Become an advertising Copywriter : Writing original content for website owners can be an interesting job. But it requires an imaginative mind as well have thinking skills to understand the desires of the audience. An advertising Copywriter is required to get the attention of the viewer and encourage them to buy the products.
  1. Write reviews or critiques: By writing reviews for books, products websites a freelance writer can earn lots of money.
  1. Become a Ghost writer: You can help authors write their books by providing them with some interesting information. There are many freelance services which can prove useful for ghost writers to find work such as :RentACoder.com, RentAGhostWriter.com, Elance.com etc.

So from the above analysis the fact emerges is that freelancing writing in a specialised job and one needs to garner their skills in this regard.

About Amit Shaw

Amit Shaw, Administrator of iTechCode.He is a 29 Year Ordinary Simple guy from West Bengal,India. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Technology, Gadgets, Programming etc. Connect with him on Facebook, Add him on LinkedIn and Follow him on Twitter.


  1. Pavan Somu @ Blogging Tips says

    Inspite writing and selling articles, freelance writers can launch their own blog and can earn handsome money. What do you say Amit ?

  2. Nice tips Amit 🙂 Other than that, the writers can also offer links inside their written articles, or offer blog commenting services….

  3. From you point of view tell me which one is best freelance writing or blogging?

  4. nice article,
    but as per my experiences freelancer as a content writer is not a good option. if you have good writing skill, learn seo deeply and try to google adsense approval and start to play….i think it will make us a rich.

    how do you feel?

  5. Narender Chopra says

    Freelancing is truly a great way to earn online. But it seems even more hard than Blogging. It need a lot of promotion , extreme knowledge of English and word selection. But if one becomes able to fulfill these criteria than he/she can earn even more than blogging. Alternatively being a proof reader is also a great way to earn in the same line.

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