One of the most common problem that almost every blogger come across in blogging is “Find the blog post ideas”. The more you think, the more ideas you get. But these days, bloggers became too lazy to think , to get new ideas for their upcoming blog posts. The most important part in blogging is “content”, without content you can’t succeed in blogging. If you don’t provide the apt information that your blog’s reader expect, how do you expect them to visit your blog again? To Fullfill the reader’s need you need to provide the information they need, for providing information to them, you need to find blog post idea!
So here, I’m with some awesome ways which helps you to find ideas for your upcoming blog posts.
1) Forums
There are countless bloggers today, and many of them are newbies. Newbie bloggers, if they have questions/doubts they don’t ask it to other bloggers ย (experienced bloggers) directly. The only thing they use to get answers for their questions are forums. Forums are the one of the easiest way to find ideas for blog posts. There are hundreds of forums in the internet, where thousands of questions are being getting answered everyday. So it’s easy for you to find Questions & Answers in your niche/topic there in the forums and to find blog post idea!.
You need not answers those questions in the forums, but steal it and create an blog post for your blog.
2) Notice other blog’s comments
Surely, there may be hundreds of blogs in your niche. Many of those blogs will be successful than your’s. If those blogs are successful, surely the admins of those blogs will be a pro bloggers. Really, pro bloggers don’t respond to many of their article’s comments. So it’s good for you to play the role of the admin of that blog.
Now your work is, just enter into any of the popular article in that blog and notice the questions/doubts which are asked in comments. But make sure those questions are unanswered.
Make a list of questions that are asked in the comments. If you know answers for those questions, answer them in a blog article, if you too don’t know the answer, depend on Google!. Google has answers for everything! search Google for answers for those questions, and publish your blog post successfully.
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3) Tell your own stories!
Many of the popular articles in my blogs are my own stories, like how I entered blogging and started it. These days people are getting bored by reading the same old silly contents in the internet. So try to share them your own stories, experience and the difficulties that you came across in your career.
According to my research, personal blogs [which are used as diaries by many bloggers] are the most read than any other niche(s). So why don’t you a write a single blog post about your experience in your career?
Writing article based on your personal experience may bring more traffic for your blog!.
4) Write Opposite to the popular blog posts
There many blogs, which have popular posts widget. So your work is, pick up one of the most popular blog post in the internet (on your blog’s niche). And try to note down the positive points in it, then write a new blog post in your blog that is opposite to that popular post containing the negative points.
Example, If the popular blog post is “How to increase your blog traffic?” or “How to increase your blog subcribers?” make them as “How lose your blog’s traffic?” or “How to lose your blog readers?” .
Really people will like to read unusual blog posts or different blog posts, this kind of posts will also help you to generate more new readers and traffic of your blog.
So, now it’s your time! What are all the methods you use to find new ideas for your new blog post? share them via comments!
What a most excellent post. one of the great way hold a contest on your blog and invite readers to ask you a questions. participate in blog meme and invite guest author to write blog post.
Manoj Rawal
Hi Hari,
You can also look at Newspaper, Magazine for blog posts ideas. They do well if you are having a blog related to technology, cars, health, education and many more! ๐
Hi Dhruv,
Yeah Referring Magazine and Newspapers also will helps us get ideas for our blog post, but it works only for blogs on technology niche, but ideas for other niche(s) can’t be found in newspapers and magazines, SO I didn’t mention them.
Hi Hari,
Nice post, I always look unanswered threads in forums, and if questions are really interesting I try to find the answer and prepare a post on it, but my most of the post comes from observation. I observe bloggers and then write.
Hi Nishant,
Those unanswered threads in the forums may give us large amount of traffic, and if you find a tough unanswered question, and if you found the answer and publish it in your blog also will bring more traffic than you expected. Thanks for your comment!
Hi Hari,
Quick and effective tips for finding ideas for our next blog post. Like the idea of writing opposite to the popular blog post, these kinds of post generate more attention to visitors.
Nice list of ideas. Even few times I got idea from TV news. Idea for new blog post is one of the most important and tough task. Its never too easy to think a different idea everytime.
Hi Atish,
Yeah, It’s really hard to find blog post ideas, we’ve work hard on finding ideas, but surely if you use the above listed ways, you can ideas for your upcoming blog posts! Thanks for your comment!
Hey Hari,
I read a ton of books and I hang out some pretty cool blogs, so I always have something to say; or rather write.
You are right, reading blog comments can strike a match.
sweet share
@Hari: Good post. I would say a quick look at the hot searches page on Google trends may give you some new post idea many times ๐
You need not always write opposite to other people’s blog to make a compelling post, but you can always write your own opinion (it’s your blog) about the same issue other bloggers are also talking about.
Hi Jeet,
There are many other ways to find ideas for writing a new blog post, but I haven’t mentioned many of them here. Surely, I’ll mention many of them in upcoming blog posts!
Thanks for your comment!
@Hari: Thanks for responding personally. I guess this post’s comment section itself is an example of how you can now write another post about post idea generation methods ๐
LOL! ๐ And yes! There are many questions/answers are shared in the comments of this article!
Informative post! Well, forums are one of the easiest way to find ideas for blog posts, as thousands of questions will be asked and getting them answered everyday. And yes, writing posts opposite to popular posts is really a good idea, as people will like to read unusual blog posts, as this will help you to generate more new readers and traffic of the blog. Thanks Hari for sharing this info ๐
Thanks for your appreciation and your comment Nizam! Hope you found this article useful!
Well very much innovative posts. Forums and other blog comments are really great source of getting idea for new posts. From these sources, One can get what users really what and can easily attract them.
Hari, I appreciate the topic of this blog post more than its content! ๐
Really its a difficult task to get the good ideas on what to write about…
I always closely follow the blog comments in my own blog (or on my guest posts in other blogs). If I find a question from a commenter that needs a detailed reply, I research on the topic and create my content. 50% of my blog content is created this way.
@Jane: Wow, 50% is just awesome. I create most of my content by following the buzz. For example, this is the right time to create a post around James Bond, US presidential election and service disruption because of natural causes.
Great post, Hari. These are solid tips on finding topics for blog posts. Personally, what I do is write about my personal life. There are surprisingly many things that happen in the life of a geek like me. ๐
For everything else, I hang around Yahoo Answers. Similar to hanging around on forums, it’s a nice way to find questions. If I don’t have much of an answer, or I’ve a very different one – I write a post on a question.
I hope this helps. ๐
Idea for new writing is one of the most essential and challenging process. Its never too simple to think a different concept whenever you want to write a popular post. So I think that there are hundreds of forums in the internet, where thousands of questions are being getting answered everyday. we analysis what is the most popular and newly thing on the internet and chose the one of the them.
This is what my main problem is whenever i get time to write a new post i felt that i’ve lost all the ideas. And when i write post a gently search for the specif title in google but for my luck all the topics will be already there in others blogs.
So these post is very beneficial to me.. thanks for awesome post.
Hey Hari great post mate It is one of the most challenging areas of blogging, finding post ideas, I’ve always found great use of forums and reading comments on my blog for getting post ideas. Keeping a diary of things you might want to write about in the future is a good idea too.
nice post from beginning to end. the most difficult thing in blogging is finding ideas for new blog posts. and i think sharing our own experience is the most effective thong to do
@Hari: Very informative and enriching notes about blog ideas. One other way is to watch your Google Search habits. More you research a topic on Google, you will get lot of ideas on that topic. Also getting a feed list of blogs in that niche and observing the posts, should give you some ideas. And lastly, comments are to be watched on most popular blogs. They give lot of blog ideas.
Hi Hari,
Nice list of ideas for new blog post. I usually find ideas for new blog post by visiting other blogs. Forum is also nice way to find ideas for blog post.
It happens with me a lot, I get stuck and can’t think of anything to write on. Very well written and helpful post. Thanks for sharing.
i am also struggling to find new blog post ideas but now i think i will get rid of this problem just because of You.Thnxx for this awesome post.