Apple is well-known around the world as one of the leading innovators in mobile technology and fantastic mobile phone deals, as well as a leading brand in the computer market. Their name is synonymous with cutting edge design and technology, and the brand is incredibly well thought of around the world. It is a brand that evokes trust, style and cool and it has been one of the hottest and most iconic names of the 21st century so far.
The latest thing that has been released from the Apple stable is the new iPad 3. Released in march of this year to huge fanfare (as usual), the iPad 3 boasted the same features that made the iPad 2 the must have gadget of last year, but with a much improved processor, bringing faster web browsing, more powerful graphics capabilities and, with the new iOS 5 software, vastly superior multitasking, photo-taking and video watching.
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The iPad 3 is the latest in a long line of Apple products that offers access to the App store, Apple’s own proprietary application marketplace. All of the apps in the App store are tested and verified by Apple to ensure that they are safe and acceptable for any audience. As well as this, all App store applications are saved to your account. If you download a game to play on the new iPad 3, you can also download it to play on the iPhone. And it will save your scores and progression so you can continue when you get home to your iPad.
Since the arrival of the iPad on shelves across the world, Apple has gone from strength to strength in implementing ideas that will change the way we use our mobile devices. One of them is the voice recognition system that they call Siri. It recognises commands, questions and statements and acts according to what you need. If you want to know the weather, Siri checks for you. If you are after a headline from today’s news, Siri will find the story you need. It makes the entire process of using the iPhone 4s much simpler by removing the need to find the app you need or search for the stories you want. Siri does it all for you.
Another innovation is Cloud storage. Apple was not the first to bring this idea to the world, but they were one of the first to implement it in a meaningful way. Say you take a picture on your iPhone, and you want to send it to yourself. Ordinarily you would open your email client, or upload it to Facebook. With Apple’s cloud storage, everything you have is backed up automatically in the cloud. Then, say you want to look at that picture you took, you can get home, fire up your Macbook, or iPad and look at it right there without having to connect your iPhone. It will be a massive part of how we use phones and other devices in the future, and it’s here now.
Another way this is very useful is with music. If you’re looking for a song that you are sure you own, but can’t find, you would have had to repurchase it or do without. Now though, you can listen to it from anywhere, because the cloud knows that you already own it. So you can listen to it wherever you are, whenever you want; even if you don’t have it on you at the moment.
Hey Amit. Have started using iCloud on my New iPad (3). I’m still confused by the way! Is it “The New iPad” or “iPad 3” ?? Haha! Being the owner…I’m still confused about the name of the product I own
I am not too crazy about Apple, but they have proven to be innovators of the century and the last decade.
I still prefer windows, but majority of people I know like apple instead.
Even I don’t like Apple, it does not impress me coz it so costly that feature ipad provide that I can get in cheap price with Quality. so why I chose Apple.
I do agree that Apple is well-known, in fact they’re so huge that if you do a Google search on the word “Apple”, chances are the results that show on SERP are not the fruit that fell on Isaac Newton’s head.
Apple is also know for suing others with useless demands, notice the #BoyCotApple trend on Google+?
Apple has been doing wonders since last year. Eagerly waiting for iPhone 5.
After the death of Steve Jobs, Apple has not that types of brilliant innovations. But still, I am waiting desperately for iPhone next generation. I will die if they change the name of upcoming iPhone from “iPhone 5” to “The New iPhone” or something else.. lol.