Bookmarking a site is very important thing for bloggers and to manage it is the key concept cause all we need to find a data is the bookmarks and if you lost it then it will take lot of time to recover it. You can do the bookmark backup in the HTML file from the chrome browser but to manage it i think this tool is best. Yes LinkCollector is the tool and bookmark manager that supports all major browsers, such as Firefox, Opera, IExplorer. The program allows you to synchronize bookmarks between different browsers and computers and it can be stored on a USB disk.
Its nice intuitive interface will allow you to do everything you need with your bookmark in no time. LinkCollector Portable Edition allows you to add, remove and edit bookmarks, search for duplicates, check links for availability, remove non-existing links, quickly open a link in various browsers (Firefox, Opera, IExplorer, Mozilla, Netscape) and also capture a link from the browser you are currently working with.

LinkCollector Portable Edition
Here are some Features of this LinkCollector Portable edition:
- It can import bookmarks from browsers as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome.
- It is also able to Import bookmark from such file formats as HTML (bookmarks), SQLite (Firefox and LinkCollector bookmarks), URL (Internet Explorer Favorites), JSON (Chrome bookmarks), ADR (Opera bookmarks), as well as earlier versions of LinkCollector.
- You can export selected as well full bookmarks to Html File.
- It can find the duplicates link and delete that as well and also able to remove the dead links.
- It creates the backups of all bookmarks of Your browser.
- It can manage and synchronize bookmarks of such browsers as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome.
- You can easily and fast search your bookmark.
Get more information about download and program click here.
It’s great. Though, I’m loving Google Sync service very much. I just need to login to my account and I get all my plug-in, extentions and all my bookmarks.
But this is useful for browsers other than CHrome.