That’s a big question you want to get the answer.
You will no doubt be aware that you are able to promote a blog with social media but are you aware of the superb results that you are able to get. As with many aspects of internet marketing, I always like to investigate different ways to take advantage of social media and have become quite an expert in this field, even though I say so myself.
Rather than overwhelming you with different aspects of social media I thought it would be a good idea to use Twitter as an example of how to promote a blog with social media. In the case of Twitter with regard to how to promote a blog with social media, it is simply a case of using one of the plug ins that are available which will make reference to any blog post that you make to your Twitter followers. There are several different plug ins that can do this job for you with more becoming available all of the time.
The effect this has on your followers can be quite amazing. Depending on the number of followers that you have, every time that you make a blog post you will see an influx of traffic to your blog from Twitter. Now if the basic rules are adhered to and you are offering top quality in your blog posts, the result will be that you will gain many regular followers to your blog as well as your Twitter account.
If the blog is monetized well you will see that each blog post that is relayed to your Twitter followers will make you money but a far better alternative would be to capture your visitors email address. A short report for instance should be offered in return for a name and email address but the results from this will be far more beneficial than someone just clicking on an Adsense add or by purchasing something through your affiliate link.
Setting up your blog to collect email addresses of people that are interested in the niche of your blog, would be an extremely wise business decision which could go on to benefit you many times over, not just by making money from them but also by building a relationship which could be beneficial to both parties over the course of time.
Make sure that the blog that you have attached to your Twitter account is in the same niche as you would otherwise be completely wasting your time. You should definitely take into account that you are allowed to have more than one Twitter account so you could quite easily use this method with several different blogs which could be spread over several different niches.
As always, keep everything that you do in a way that offers your blog visitors and your Twitter followers top quality advice and information, and if you do you will find that this method of promoting your blog with social media really will prove to be a worth while exercise.
Thanks for the nice post, would try them !
Well, hoping you will succeed
Welcome my friend Trung Nguyen for posting in Itechcode..
Hi Rizwan, I will write many times in iTechCode, nice to see you here
I read first time your post on ITECHCODE.By the way thanks for supporting us.
my old post is
I’m going to read this one as well, Trung!
Main essence of twitter is to follow people or being followed by people having same interest otherwise some times it looks like total rush of unnecessary tweets.
Social media now holds very important part in SEO.
Yep, social network in my mind is a part of SEO for my blog 🙂
Nice tips, Buddy.
For me, Social Media is the biggest source of traffic.
Nice one.
Yep Kuldeep, Twitter is one of my best source of blog traffic, facebook is no. two 🙂
I really wonder how people are getting traffic from their Twitter accounts. I’ve only one twitter account though. But I dint get much traffic from it. Facebook is my #1 traffic generator.
I should focus on twitter from now on..
Thanks for the post 🙂 Keep rolling
Twitter is a best traffic source of my blog and I think you should try to get traffic with your Twitter account now.
Getting traffic from Social media is lot more easier than search engines.
A very helpful guide. Right now, I have not seen any positive effects of Google Plus and facebook like on my blogs
But I believe in Digg and stumbleupon
That’s the way to get high ranking on search engines also.
Great tips, though, but bloggers using social media should also learn social media etiquette so that he or she should not be considered as spam.
Nice post.
Total agree with you, Abhi, you can check this post to know more on how to promote a blog, it’s a guest post from Kuldeep Khatri.
Thanks for the link, Trung! I think, I’ve read that post. Let me see if I’m right or not. 🙂
May I was wrong, I didn’t see your comment there so I thought you hadn’t read that post.
No, my friend! You were right, I was wrong! I missed that post.
That;s why I said, (I think). 🙂
Thanks for sharing, Trung!
Social media is now so important in the overall ranking process, I’ve seen pages ranked on page 1 of google purely because of the likes , tweets and plus 1’s it’s received.
Google know people spam links everywhere so it’s looking for another way to rank posts, social interaction is going to be more important over the coming years.
Yep, Mark Thompson, using social media to build link for the blog is great way to get high ranking on search engines such as Google.