Summary : This article describes the process how to move down the wordpress blog to the new web host provider.
Have you got tired of your web host provider and looking to move the wordpress blog to any new service provider? It will be better if you switch to the new web host provider but are not getting any help from your existing web host. This is because the service provider does not want to lose their user and their profits. People need to select a reliable web host so that your wordpress blog site functions properly and with maximum effectiveness and efficiency. There are various reasons of transferring the domain name to a new Web host provider. One of the main reasons is that the webhost provider did not deliver what was promised at the time of advertisement. Another reason is that of the slow or the unsympathetic technical support or assistance provided by the web host provider. The costly expenses can also be a reason for switching the service provider.
Backup the WordPress database : If you want to move up the wordpress blog to a new web host but you fear that you will not be able to migrate all of the wordpress installs and the plug gins. It is not that hard as people think of. It is just the set of the files and the database. It is important to know that how the internal working of wordpress is carried out. WordPress normally has got a database associated to it in the web hosting panel. It is normally a type of database which is dedicated entirely for the wordpress site. The database has various different kinds of tables associated to it with the names starting with ‘wp’. All these tables contain the settings, blog posts and the configuration information for the blog. For complete migration of the wordpress you need to move the entire database to the new server. It can be done by importing and exporting the whole database with the use of the PHP Myadmin panel which is a facility provided by the webhost.
Know how to do it fully : The other task of migration of the wordpress is to move the actual wardress files which are the files kept under the root folder in the blog. These are along with the various sub folders all starting with the name ‘wp’. All these files and the folders need to be copied down and saved to the root folder. The wp-config.php file is another very important file which holds the configuration details odd to the blog installation. Another very essential file which needs to be saved is the .htc access file which consists of the essential mandatory settings used up by one or more of your plugins. Always ensure that when at the time of copying down the blog you include the important file. Some of the wordpress installs do not contains this file at all though. The location of the image files is also another issue which some people may face when they migrate the wordpress blog on to the new web host.
Hey Amit,
Brilliant advice I am the professional one but really I learn many new thing from it.
Thanks for dropping your valueable Comment. Keep Visiting.
Definitely helpful. Moving hosts is *such* a pain!
Good guide
Moving is very painful
Nice post, however, I think the article is incomplete. Please publish with detailed procedure.
very useful info!!
Thanks for the article.
Currently I am using bluehost as my WordPress hosting but I am thinking to move it from bluehost to hostgator.My hosting plan is going to expire next month and will use your tutorial to move from bluehost to hostgator.
Thanks Bhavesh for dropping your valuable comment and If you will face any problem to move your host than feel free you contact us. Thanks. Keep Visiting and sharing. Subscribe us to get daily update.
Did you ever tried some of those plugins you can get? I tried some, sometimes they don`t work. It depends on the host. So the manuel version would be the hard way, but 100% secure version.
I know moving is very difficult. which is better solution for it?
You can even use Plugins for this. WP complete backup is really good plugin
Thanks for this article! Learned some good and helpful info from this one!
I have been using backupbuddy to auto back up my site in a given period, and also moving from hosting to hosting is also easy too.
Thanks for dropping your comment. Keep visiting. Share the articles. Thanks.
Hey Amit Thanks for Posting such types of Post. This will definitely helpful to newbies but some point needed to be clear and few things needed to be Updated.
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Keep it Up Bro
not needed for me YET .. but bookmarked this post as it can be useful in future